
What are Subteams?

On team 2358 we have subteams which work on different parts such as code, sensor, drive train, drive base, and wiring. Students can join these subteams based on what skills they want to pursue or posses.


"Software is the best team and we appreciate and recognize all of the hard work that they do."

Mechanical team works on the structure of the bot such as building drive trains, chassis, arms, lifts, and more mechanisms that are needed based on the game. Top members of this subteam get to be apart of Pit Crew during competition chosen based on their season work ethic, communication skills, demonstration of gracious professionalism and more.


"The Watch Dog Is Not Fed"

Software Team works on the internal aspects of the robot, the code. They code to make the drive train drive, make the arm or lift move, code the controllers we use to drive the robot, and create autonomous tasks for the robot to preform during a match. Top members of this subteam can also be apart of pit crew during competition season to help set up the drivers station before matches and set the right autonomous mode. These people must show leadership and communication skills in order to be apart of pit crew.


"Hey kid, want some cable chain?"

Electrical team works on wiring the robot. In order for the code to work and receive data all the sensors, motors, and more need to be connected all in which is done by the sub team. They also work with pneumatic for mechanisms. They have to work within the space constraints of the robot based on mechanical teams design. A member electrical is always in pit crew to help with wiring issues and more. This team might interest you if you are interested in both mechanical and software.

Scouting Team

"Where's the data?"

Scouting team does not do any hands on stuff with robot, however their role is one of the most important. The role of this team is to figure out the best way to win given our skills set, collected data, and more. They also help identify which teams should be in our alliance in the event that we are likely to be a picking team using match data, pit scouting data, drive team cooperation information. Without scouting we won't be able excel in competition.

Business Team

"So can we use this for Chairman's?"

Business team helps define who we are as a team by applying us for awards such as Chairman's or Dean's List. This team also helps to define us to our community by spreading word of our outreach events, fundraisers, and such. Business is also responsible to setting up fundraising events and managing team 2358 sponsors. Although Business team does do not effect the success of our robot it helps us give back to the community we live in and gain funds to run our team.

Drive Team

"Is your firewall turned off? It’s your firewall, it’s turned off."

Drive team is one of the most important subteams we have. Without it, our robot won't be able to preform at its best. In fact, the robot wouldn't be able to preform at all. Anyone from the Software, Electrical, or Mechanical team can become apart of drive team to fill the different positions. Drive team consists of one driver who navigates the robot, another driver who operates mechanisms on the robot, a human player who's role varies from year to year (typically the club president), and a technician (a member from software or electrical) who sets up the driver's station. In order to get into any position you can't just be good at driving but must excel at communicating with teammates and put in the work during the season. Decent Mario Kart skills and having the ability to drift successfully in Rainbow Road are also crucial in successfully driving the robot.